DTMB Standard
◆There are 16 additional standards issued by SARFT
No | Planning No | Standard No | Description of standard |
1. | 20020466-T-425 | GY/T 236-2008 | Implementation Guilds for Terrestrial Digital Television Broadcasting System |
2. | 20000191-T-425 | --- | Technical Requirements and Test Procedures for Terrestrial Digital Television Broadcasting System |
3. | 20000189-T-425 | GY/T 237-2008 | VHF/UHF Frequency Planning for Terrestrial Digital Television Broadcasting System |
4. | 20068347-T-425 | --- | Technical Specification of Middleware for Terrestrial Digital Television Broadcasting System, Part-1: System |
5. | 2006-H-32 | --- | Technical Requirements and Implementation Guilds for Single Frequency Network |
6. | 2006-H-33 | GY/T 238.1—2008 | Objective Assessments and Test Procedures for Terrestrial Digital Television Broadcasting System Coverage, Part-1 Single Transmission & Outdoor Fixation Reception |
7. | 2006-H-34 | GY/T 229.4-2008 | Technical Requirements and Test Procedures for Terrestrial Digital Television Transmitters |
8. | 2006-H-36 | --- | Technical Specification of Monitoring Equipment for DTV System |
9. | 2006-H-37 | GY/T 229.3-2008 | Technical Specification of DVB Multiplexer and interface for DTTV System |
10. | 2006-H-38 | --- | Specification of SFN planning for DTTV System |
11. | 2006-H-39 | --- | Technical Specification of integration for Mobile and Fixation broadcasting in VHF/UHF Band |
12. | --- | GY/T 229.2-2008 | Technical Requirements and Test Procedures of DVB Exciters for DTTV System |
13. | 2006-H-41 | GY/T 229.1-2008 | Technical Requirements and Test Procedures of SFN Adaptor for DTTV System |
14. | 2006-H-42 | GY/T 230—2008 | Specification of Radio Service for DTV System |
15. | 2006-H-43 | GY/T 231—2008 | Specification of EPG for DTV System |
16. | 2006-H-44 | --- | Technical Requirements and Test Procedures of data broadcasting for DTV System |
序号 | 标准名称 |
1 | Specification of Signal Test for DTTV receivers |
2 | Technical Specification of TS Analyzer for DTTV Standard Test |
3 | General Technical Specification for DTTV Receivers |
4 | Technical Specification of Digital Video Interfaces for DTTV |
5 | Technical Specification of Transmitters for DTTV Standard Test |
6 | Technical Specification of Receivers for DTTV Standard Test |
7 | Test Procedures for DTTV Receivers |
8 | Test Procedures for DTV Surround Sound |
9 | Technical Requirements and Test Procedures for DTTV Video and Audio synchronization |
10 | Technical Requirements and Test Procedures for time difference between luminance and color of DTTV |
11 | Subjective Assessment for DTV receiver |
12 | Test Procedures for DTV Channels Separation |
13 | Technical Requirements and Test Procedures for DTTV Tuner |
14 | Technical Specification for DTV Channels Separation |
15 | DTTV Content Protection System Structure and Technical Specification for Digital Interface |
16 | General Specification for DTTV Receiver |
17 | General Specification for DTTV STB |
18 | Test Procedures for DTTV Receiver |
19 | Test Procedures for DTTV STB |